Marvel: Madness Returns
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Percike, a Mindenható
Stan Lee, a Mesélő


Legutóbbi küldetések

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» The evilest variant
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» Stardew Valley
by Laserian Harries Szomb. Május 18, 2024 1:16 am

» Not scared of giants
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» In front of Sorry
by Lacey Harries Pént. Május 17, 2024 8:56 pm

» Mirror stares back hard
by Lucas Bishop Pént. Május 17, 2024 3:47 pm

» Csibefutam
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» Otthon édes otthon
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» I buried my faith with you - Laze & George
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LazyTown Goes Digital

Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:10 am
Többszereplős játékokhoz mentés, most hero színnel:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKE"><div class="POKE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLS" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MON" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #339bb5;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MON" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKE {background: #339bb5;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MON{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MON::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MON{background:#339bb5;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:11 am
Ugyanez csak sárgával  @Rosemarie Morozov-nak:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKEE"><div class="POKEE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLSS" style="color: #bb2020"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MONN" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #e19720;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MONN" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKEE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKEE {background: #e19720;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKEE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKEE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKEE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKEE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MONN{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MONN::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MONN{background:#e19720;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLSS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLSS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLSS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLSS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLSS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:11 am
@Lance Alvers részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKEeE"><div class="POKEeE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BAaLLSS" style="color: #bb2020"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></div><div id="MOoNN" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #757656;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MOoNN" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKEeE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKEeE {background: #757656;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKEeE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKEeE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKEeE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKEeE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MOoNN{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MOoNN::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MOoNN{background:#757656;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BAaLLSS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BAaLLSS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BAaLLSS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BAaLLSS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BAaLLSS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:12 am
@Kaine Parker részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKkE"><div class="POKkE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLSs" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MONn" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #660000;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MONn" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKkE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKkE {background: #660000;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKkE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKkE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKkE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKkE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MONn{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MONn::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MONn{background:#660000;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLSs{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLSs poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLSs poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLSs poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLSs .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:13 am
@Lacey Harries részére készült verzió:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKkkE"><div class="POKkkE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLS" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MONnn" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #db7093;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MONnn" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKkkE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKkkE {background: #db7093;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKkkE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKkkE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKkkE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKkkE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MONnn{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MONnn::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MONnn{background:#db7093;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:13 am
@Gwen Stacy részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POoKkkE"><div class="POoKkkE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLS" style="color: #f7f7f7"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MOoNnn" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #99004d;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MOoNnn" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POoKkkE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POoKkkE {background: #99004d;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POoKkkE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POoKkkE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POoKkkE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POoKkkE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MOoNnn{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MOoNnn::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MOoNnn{background:#99004d;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:14 am
@Winifred Wilson részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POooKkkE"><div class="POooKkkE"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLS" style="color: #f7f7f7"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MOooNnn" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #316B84;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MOooNnn" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POooKkkE {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POooKkkE {background: #316B84;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POooKkkE mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POooKkkE mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POooKkkE h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POooKkkE sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MOooNnn{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MOooNnn::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MOooNnn{background:#316B84;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:14 am
@David H. Xavier részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="POKkEL"><div class="POKkEL"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #000;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLSsL" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MONnL" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #FFF8DC;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MONnL" style="color:#000;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKkEL {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKkEL {background: #FFF8DC;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKkEL mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKkEL mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKkEL h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKkEL sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MONnL{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MONnL::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MONnL{background:#FFF8DC;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLSsL{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLSsL poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLSsL poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLSsL poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLSsL .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:14 am
@Niel Topsfield változata, mintaszöveg az első reagjából felhasználva:

I just wanna die IronyOne variant | Niel
Nem akartam jönni, ugyanakkor be kellett látnom, hogy rámfér a dolog és a többieket sem kerülgethettem mindig gyanúsan nagy ívben.
Lemondtam az edzést Wong-al, aki azonnal fel is csapta Beyonce-t válaszul, mintha hangtalan bontott volna pezsgőt.
Még egy rövid teleportálást megejtettem az új szobámba, ahová nagyjából sikerült összegyűjtenem minden cuccom. Bár a kupin még finomítanom kell, nem volt időm mindent helyre rakni, vagyis kallódnak tovább, de legalább csak négy fal veszi körül őket. Kicsit késve toppanok be, de legalább emberi formában, Iron, Maiden felsőben, borostám se akkora, mint egy jetinek és ha vetkőzni kell Kaine Parker miatt, már én is fel tudok mutatni valamit, nem én leszek, aki önbizalom nélkül egérlyukat keres a sarokban. Bár ennek az új lakótársnak se tetszik a modell fiú képe, bekaphatja.
Levágom magam valahová, aztán eszembe jut, hogy az ín és szálka nem feltétlenül fog bejuttatni az év “elmegy” kategóriájába, meg éhes is vagyok, ha épp nem felejtem el, hogy élek. Vagyis átnyúlok popcornért Lilihez, amitől eszembe jut kanosnak is kéne lennem. Marha rég volt már, hogy érdemben foglalkoztam volna ilyesmivel és sok a lány energia a szobában. Ergo a modell gyerek mellé kellene ülnöm, hogy blokkolja késztetéseim, vagy Lazehoz, akit majd véletlenül lerúgok, hogy több időt tölt Lilivel nálam. A horror pont a legkevésbé sem érdekel.
Sosem voltam a stílus óriási fanja, sem az, akire bármilyen hatással lett volna ilyesmi. Persze még mindig jobb választás, mint bármelyik imádott klasszikus, amin elérzékenyülök, ha meghallom a főcímet.
Unottan zabálok, de csak egyenként dobálom számba a popcorn még frissen kipattogott szemeit. Kéne kóla, energiaital bármi, ami segít a vérnyomásomon és nem hagy azonnal elaludni.
Romy csak Kaineről beszél, mint általában, Lili gyanúsan közel ül Lazehoz, lehet tényleg van köztük valami, egyszerűen hagytam elrobogni, mint egy gyorsvonatot. De ilyen az ember mázlija, ha felcsap gyilkosnak. Crystalt meg nem értem.
Betoppan egy fickó, fáradtan ránézek, elég öregnek tűnik, lehetne a managerem is, de nagyjából ekkor Romy akciózik, villany leó, én sóhajtva hátradőlök, mert így tuti bealszom. Csak egy rövid intermezzo hívja fel magára a figyelmem, tompa kiáltás és macskanyávogás, rögtön átváltoztatom az okosóra formájában karomon tikkelő varázskönyvem elemlámpává és megvilágítom a jelenetet.
-A macskát nem bántjuk! Lili?
Még nem láttam ilyen alakban, de megpróbálom kivont karmostul leszedni a fiúról. Az nem számít, ha ellenkezik, vagy én is kapok csikarást a képembe, mint annó Ash Miautól, elmúltam már tíz.

dead !

<div id="POoKkkEe"><div class="POoKkkEe"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #000;">[size=19][color=#000000]I just wanna die[/color] [/size]<sub> — [url=][color=#000000]Irony[/color][/url] — [url=][color=#000000]One variant[/color][/url] |[url=] [color=#000000]Niel[/color][/url]</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLS" style="color: #f7f7f7"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MOoNnnN" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: skyblue;">N</span>em akartam jönni, ugyanakkor be kellett látnom, hogy rámfér a dolog és a többieket sem kerülgethettem mindig gyanúsan nagy ívben.
Lemondtam az edzést Wong-al, aki azonnal fel is csapta Beyonce-t válaszul, mintha hangtalan bontott volna pezsgőt.
Még egy rövid teleportálást megejtettem az új szobámba, ahová nagyjából sikerült összegyűjtenem minden cuccom. Bár a kupin még finomítanom kell, nem volt időm mindent helyre rakni, vagyis kallódnak tovább, de legalább csak négy fal veszi körül őket. Kicsit késve toppanok be, de legalább emberi formában, Iron, Maiden felsőben, borostám se akkora, mint egy jetinek és ha vetkőzni kell Kaine Parker miatt, már én is fel tudok mutatni valamit, nem én leszek, aki önbizalom nélkül egérlyukat keres a sarokban. Bár ennek az új lakótársnak se tetszik a modell fiú képe, bekaphatja.
Levágom magam valahová, aztán eszembe jut, hogy az ín és szálka nem feltétlenül fog bejuttatni az év “elmegy” kategóriájába, meg éhes is vagyok, ha épp nem felejtem el, hogy élek. Vagyis átnyúlok popcornért Lilihez, amitől eszembe jut kanosnak is kéne lennem. Marha rég volt már, hogy érdemben foglalkoztam volna ilyesmivel és sok a lány energia a szobában. Ergo a modell gyerek mellé kellene ülnöm, hogy blokkolja késztetéseim, vagy Lazehoz, akit majd véletlenül lerúgok, hogy több időt tölt Lilivel nálam. A horror pont a legkevésbé sem érdekel.
Sosem voltam a stílus óriási fanja, sem az, akire bármilyen hatással lett volna ilyesmi. Persze még mindig jobb választás, mint bármelyik imádott klasszikus, amin elérzékenyülök, ha meghallom a főcímet.
Unottan zabálok, de csak egyenként dobálom számba a popcorn még frissen kipattogott szemeit. Kéne kóla, energiaital bármi, ami segít a vérnyomásomon és nem hagy azonnal elaludni.
Romy csak Kaineről beszél, mint általában, Lili gyanúsan közel ül Lazehoz, lehet tényleg van köztük valami, egyszerűen hagytam elrobogni, mint egy gyorsvonatot. De ilyen az ember mázlija, ha felcsap gyilkosnak. Crystalt meg nem értem.
Betoppan egy fickó, fáradtan ránézek, elég öregnek tűnik, lehetne a managerem is, de nagyjából ekkor Romy akciózik, villany leó, én sóhajtva hátradőlök, mert így tuti bealszom. Csak egy rövid intermezzo hívja fel magára a figyelmem, tompa kiáltás és macskanyávogás, rögtön átváltoztatom az okosóra formájában karomon tikkelő varázskönyvem elemlámpává és megvilágítom a jelenetet.
[color=Skyblue]-A macskát nem bántjuk! Lili?
[/color]Még nem láttam ilyen alakban, de megpróbálom kivont karmostul leszedni a fiúról. Az nem számít, ha ellenkezik, vagy én is kapok csikarást a képembe, mint annó Ash Miautól, elmúltam már tíz.

</div><div class="MOoNnnN" style="color:#000;">[i]dead[/i] ! </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POoKkkEe {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POoKkkEe {background: skyblue;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POoKkkEe mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POoKkkEe mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POoKkkEe h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POoKkkEe sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MOoNnnN{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MOoNnnN::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MOoNnnN{background:skyblue;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLS{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLS poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLS poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLS poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLS .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:15 am
@Miles Morales részére készült változat:

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice.

<div id="PMiles"><div class="PMiles"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Cupcake<sub> ipsum dolor sit amet</sub></h8></div><div id="BMiles" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MMiles" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #1a1c24;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MMiles" style="color:#f7f7f7;">Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#PMiles{width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.PMiles {background: #1a1c24;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.PMiles mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.PMiles mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.PMiles h8{font-size: 21px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.PMiles sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MMiles{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MMiles::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MMiles {background:#1a1c24;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BMiles{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BMiles poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BMiles poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BMiles poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BMiles .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:15 am
Ugyanez a kód Lazesítve:

Don't you want to feel alive?
Frostify Freaks | Evil Folk | No Fun
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
In the dead of night, do your demons come alive?

<div id="POKkEt"><div class="POKkEt"><mm><img src="" /></mm><h8 style="color: #f7f7f7;">Don't you want to feel alive?
<sub> [url=][color=#772820]Frostify[/color][/url] ➤ [url=] [color=#772820]Freaks[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#772820]Evil Folk[/color][/url] |[url=][color=#772820] No Fun[/color][/url]</sub></h8></div><div id="BALLSst" style="color: #339bb5"><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke><poke><img src="" /></poke></div><div id="MONnt" stlye="color:#fff"><span style="color: #86bc98;">C</span>upcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

Marshmallow chupa chups marshmallow candy jelly-o lollipop dragée chocolate. Caramels gummies jujubes muffin danish ice cream tootsie roll muffin. Pudding gummi bears icing sugar plum lemon drops dessert chupa chups apple pie. Liquorice halvah sweet marzipan sweet chocolate bar tiramisu bonbon. Macaroon marshmallow fruitcake cheesecake chupa chups. Lollipop jujubes donut apple pie marzipan fruitcake oat cake sesame snaps caramels. Candy cotton candy halvah chocolate jujubes.
</div><div class="MONnt" style="color:#f7f7f7;">In the dead of night, do your demons come alive? </div></div><div id="code"><a href="">Isley</a></div>

<link href="|Miriam+Libre:400,700|Ubuntu+Mono:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" /><style>#POKkEt {width:400px;border-radius:10px;overflow:hidden;border:2px solid #111;margin:5px auto;box-shadow:-3px 3px 2px rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2);}.POKkEt {background: #86bc98;padding: 45px 10px;border-bottom: 2px solid #111;height: 40px;}.POKkEt mm{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;float:left;background:#f7f7f7;padding:3px;border:2px solid #111;overflow:hidden;margin-top:-35px;}.POKkEt mm img{width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100%;}.POKkEt h8{font-size: 19px;font-family: Amiko;text-align: justify;display: block;width: 260px;float: right;letter-spacing:-1px;}.POKkEt sub{font-size: 10px;font-family:Ubuntu Mono;display: block;margin-left:10px;letter-spacing:1px;}#MONnt{padding:30px 40px;font-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;min-height: 175px;}#MONnt::first-letter {font-size: 30px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;margin: 0 10px -4px;float: left; text-transform: uppercase;font-weight: 700;}.MONnt{background:#86bc98;padding:8px 10px;font-size:11px;font-family: Ubuntu Mono;letter-spacing:1px;border-top:2px solid #111;text-align:center;}#BALLSst{width: 33px;float: right;position: absolute;margin-top: -25px;margin-left: 380px;}#BALLSst poke{display: block;width: 35px;height: 35px;border-radius: 100%;border: 2px solid #111;background: #f7f7f7;margin: 2px 0;overflow:hidden;}#BALLSst poke:before{color: rgba(187, 32, 32, 0.3);font-size: 28px;content: "\e2aa";font-family: 'saturnicons';position: absolute;padding: 9px 0px 0 3px;z-index: 1;line-height: 18px;}#BALLSst poke img{border-radius: 100%;margin-top: auto;height: 32px;width: 32px;margin: 1px 2px;z-index: 2;position: relative;}#BALLSst .off:after{line-height: 18px;content:"X";position: absolute;margin: -27px 5px 5px 7px;font-size: 35px;font-family: tahoma;z-index: 3;}#code a{display:block;margin:5px auto;text-decoration:none;text-transform:uppercase;font:10px arial;width: 30px;}</style>


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 2:16 am
ID kód @Crystalia Amaquelin-hez:

ID: 2111217
NÉV: Crystalia Amaquelin
SZÜLETÉSIHELY: Attilan szigete, Hold
NEME: nő
ÉRVÉNYES 2045-ig
Crystal Attilan hercegnője, elementál

<style>@import url('');</style>
<div id = "credencial"style="background-color:#272a33;"><div = "row"><div class = "licencia">IGAZOLVÁNY</div><div class = "ref">ID: 2111217<br>REF: 69GLW</div><div class = "tipo">in.AB+</div></div><div class = "row"><div class = "barra left"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "paralelogramo"></div><div class = "barra right"></div></div><div class = "principal"><div class = "col1"><div class = "dato nom">NÉV: Crystalia Amaquelin</div><div class = "barra nombre"></div><div class = "dato">ADATOK</div><div class = "dato">SZÜLETÉSIHELY: Attilan szigete, Hold</div><div class = "dato">NEME: nő</div><div class = "barra hero"></div><div class = "dato campo">ÉRVÉNYES 2045-ig</div><div class = "barra hero"></div><div class = "heroname">KRISTÁLY</div><div class = "leyenda">Crystal Attilan hercegnője, elementál</div></div><div class = "col2"><div class = "img" style = "background-image:url('')"></div></div></div></div>

Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 3:58 am

"My Lucifer is lonely"









texto texto


— w

<div id="Expp">
<div id="imagen1"></div>
<div class="quotecito">"My Lucifer is lonely"</div>
<div class="boton1"><div class="cosito">Lazac</div></div>
<div class="boton1"><div class="cosito">Lazac</div></div>
<div class="boton1"><div class="cosito">Lazac</div></div>
<div class="boton1"><div class="cosito">Lazac</div></div>
<div class="boton1"><div class="cosito">Lazac</div></div>
<div class="datos1" style="top: -660px; overflow: visible;">
<div class="namebonito"></div>
<div class="textibonito"><div class="lindo lindo-san"></div>TEXTO TEXTO <div class="lindo lindo-kun"></div> </div>

<div class="namebonito">Valami</div> <div class="textibonito"><div class="lindo lindo-san"></div>TEXTO TEXTO <div class="lindo lindo-kun"></div> </div>

<div class="namebonito">Valami</div> <div class="textibonito"><div class="lindo lindo-san"></div>texto texto <div class="lindo lindo-kun"></div> </div>

<div class="namebonito">Valami</div> <div class="textibonito"><div class="lindo lindo-san"></div> TEXTO TEXTO<div class="lindo lindo-kun"></div> </div>

</div> <a class="witchi" href="">— w</a></div> <link href="|Anton|Oswald&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<style>#Expp { background-color: #080501; } #imagen1 { background: url(;} .boton1 { background-color:#080501; color: #fefefe; border: 1px solid #881319; } .cosito{ font-size: 9px; font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; } .cosito::first-letter{ font-size: 12px; color: #881319; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; } .quotecito { color: #fefefe; font-family: 'Anton'; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #C61D1D; } .namebonito { font-size: 20px; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; } .namebonito::first-letter{ font-size: 30px; color: #881319; font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive; } .textibonito{ font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Lato'; } .lindo-san { border-top: .7px solid #C61D1D; border-left: .7px solid #C61D1D;} .lindo-kun { border-bottom: .7px solid #C61D1D; border-right: .7px solid #C61D1D; } .datos1::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; } .datos1::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: transparent;  } a.witchi { font-family: 'Abril Fatface'; color: #fefefe: } a.witchi:hover { color: #881319;}</style>

Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Szer. Nov. 01, 2023 4:55 am
Touch the cat

Cupcake ipsum idézet

|| Dátum 1 ||

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

|| Dátum 2 ||

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

|| Dátum 3 ||

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div class="tablacats"><table style="margin:0 auto;"><tr><td><div style="width:80px"></div><td><td style="width:50%"><div class="catstitulo"><a>Touch the cat</a><p>Cupcake ipsum idézet</p></div></td><td style="width:50%"><img src="" width="75px" position="relative"/><td></tr></table><div class="catsrelacion"><table><tr><td><img src=""/></td><td><div class="nombrecat"><b>|| Dátum 1 ||</b><br><p>Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.</p></div><div class="circleclat" style="background: #1d2760;"><img src=""/></div></td><td><div style="height:108px; width:500px; margin-left:-60px; border-bottom: 2px solid #1d2760"></div></td></tr></table></div><div class="catsrelacion"><table><tr><td><img src=""/></td><td><div class="nombrecat"><b>|| Dátum 2 ||</b><br><p>Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.</p></div><div class="circleclat" style="background: #2a5a3c;"><img src=""/></div></td><td><div style="height:108px; width:500px; margin-left:-60px; border-bottom: 2px solid #2a5a3c;"></div></td></tr></table></div><div class="catsrelacion"><table><tr><td><img src=""/></td><td><div class="nombrecat"><b>|| Dátum 3 ||</b><br><p>Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding liquorice. Sweet roll tiramisu danish chupa chups oat cake. Cheesecake toffee dessert chocolate cake wafer cake pudding caramels. Candy icing gummies halvah macaroon dragée gingerbread gummi bears. Jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps gingerbread ice cream. Jelly beans marshmallow sesame snaps sesame snaps oat cake halvah brownie pastry candy canes. Tart macaroon donut sweet icing jelly apple pie sesame snaps.</p></div><div class="circleclat" style="background: #7b252f;"><img src=""/></div></td><td><div style="height:108px; width:500px; margin-left:-60px; border-bottom: 2px solid #7b252f"></div></td></tr></table></div><table class="tablalink"><tr><td><img src="" height="20px"/></td><td class="catslin"><a href=""><b>ET</b></a></td></tr><tr><td style="padding-left:20px;"><img src="" height="20px"/></td><td class="catslin" style="padding-left:20px;"><a href=""><b>Mobil</b></a></td></tr><tr><td><img src="" height="20px"/></td><td class="catslin"><a href=""><b>Játékvezető</b></a></td></tr></table></div><div style="text-align:center"><a style="font:10px century gothic; color: black; text-decoration:none;" href="">By Sao</a></div>

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Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Vas. Nov. 05, 2023 12:36 am
NÉVA keresett karakter teljes neve

ÁLNÉVHős, gonosz név ha van neki


PBSzínész, modell neve akivel meghírdeted őt.

CSOPORThős, antihős, gonosztevő, bajkeverő, civil

FOGLALKOZÁSAmi a civil munkája, végzettsége

VILÁGha nem a Föld-6969-ről származik akkor az ahhoz tartozó számot írd le pl. Föld-42.

KORMennyi idős most a karakter

STÁTUSZszabad, foglalt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc efficitur venenatis porta. Integer egestas non diam a aliquam. Nullam at magna varius felis feugiat vestibulum in nec sapien. Nam sodales lacinia aliquam. In placerat consectetur dolor sed ullamcorper. Vestibulum in accumsan augue, quis aliquam dui. Cras eleifend, eros vel vehicula facilisis, orci augue ultrices arcu, ac sagittis elit neque nec leo. Sed ut massa sit amet ante dapibus scelerisque. Mauris ac porta turpis, vel dictum justo. Morbi vitae orci sed justo volutpat porttitor at in felis. Vestibulum at justo eget ligula pharetra bibendum. Praesent placerat ex sed lacus iaculis, quis egestas quam volutpat. Duis leo lorem, dictum nec est et, pharetra posuere metus. Sed pulvinar nisi ex, vitae tempus massa fermentum sed. Maecenas elementum vitae risus sit amet tincidunt. Praesent placerat ex sed lacus iaculis, quis egestas quam volutpat. Duis leo lorem, dictum nec est et, pharetra posuere metus. Sed pulvinar nisi ex, vitae tempus massa fermentum sed. Maecenas elementum vitae risus sit amet tincidunt.


Poison Ian
The odd thing about ambition is this:
You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.
- Holly Black
(Poison Ian by Romy)
Laserian Harries
Hozzászólások száma : 309
Csatlakozás ideje : 2023. Oct. 26.
Tartózkodási hely : Sosehol
Munka/hobbi : egyetemista
Ki van a képen? : Rudy Pankow
Laserian Harries
• doing bad for good reasons •
Vissza az elejére Go down
Ajánlott tartalom
Vissza az elejére Go down

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